Wednesday, April 29, 2009

state testing!!!!!!!!! post 2(continued)

well so im bored and need to study. well... i warned yeh mates ( means friends or something in pirate ) last weeek or so...... . so.... wish me luck... oh and todays is webkinz extrvanganza ( i dont care if i spelleds it worng!!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

new stuff on club penguin

on club penguin members can buy a new tobagan. and also there are new dance moves! thats all for now!

Friday, April 24, 2009

for members on planet cazmo

On planet cazmo for members at the cazmo arena there are instruments you can play ( i think u can play i dunno since im not member )

pin on club penguin

On club penguin the new pin is at the dojo courtyard. and then click on the tree and there u go!

Im embarassed

Today I was crying because my friend erased my name from a picture me and my othere friends did together. So I started crying and got my name back. The girl I liked ( doesnt like me ) was walking around the track around my school. A girl named Asriah came and told her the whole story. My am I emberrased. I dont wanna go to school on monday and find out wats she gonna say. post a comment of wat u think will happen ( no innapropriate stuff )

Im embarassed

Thursday, April 23, 2009

its kinda late

I know its late but planet cazmo has new earth day updates! you get to pick up trash and also my state testing starts this monday! im scared cause i dont wanna flunk fourth grade and im top student in class! well... so i forgot i wat i was gonna say. oh yeah heres some pictures. i might post them now or later.

somone told me to post this ( POST THIS BUTTON EVERYWHERE IDC WHERE JUST SOMEWHERE!!!!!!!!: )

here are the post of pictures.

state testing!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

spread the world of roblox to be ambassador!

Free Games at ROBLOX. Check out what I have been building lately!

chobots nichos kingdom is here!

Hello everyone,this is rhied207 reporting that on nichos, nichos kingdom is now open! I dont no how to get there but... ok bye!

Monday, April 20, 2009

My spring break

My spring break was so boring. Did I tell you that? Ok people ..... I wanted to go to lego land. On club pneguin, if you are a club penguin tour guide or a club penguin agent, then you get to be paid! Life is sweet even though it on the computer. I would really like people to try it! Club penguin i cool!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

had a mostly boring spring break

Like the whole spring break i had to go to a house and work there all day long. i didnt even get to see the computer. so my webkin was lonely my pirate was sad and my chobts and planet cazmo people ( accounts ) are bored. so well today is the last day since tomorrow im going to school! woot ! but alsow aww man didnt finish my homework for it .

Thursday, April 16, 2009

new on chobots

i know its old but on chobots the elephants mask are now for everyone

in the academy i found a dude at the acadamy

in the future chobots will also have guitars.drums,and maybe pianos and other instuments

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

visit my friends site ( 3 )

please visit my friends site. its called

ha ha ha!

they are twins. if this image is wrong then u see my profile ( ur supposed to see some three people looking like twins .twins are berrybearxoxo,soulaj girl , and unknown person ( means i forgot who it was )

ooh this person in trouble

I heard that in planet cazmo you cant date or marry people. So this is wat i found:ie
[ Ruby940 ]: u r cute
[ Hotman45 ]: hi
Ruby940 ]: u r cute

click if u wanna play chobots or u already play chobots

i know its late but in chobots o just found out last week or so i found that chobot's cinema has been released!!!!!!!!! I wondered if test has come out yet. well please post comments. please visit my name is ( rhied20473 and rhied207 )

dont click ( please click : D hee hee )

color="red">Whatever you do, DON'T CLICK ON THIS!!!

how to do this

if u wannna know how to do this of u have been asking how to do this( ) . here how

1. you first click the news paper on planet cazmo

2. you click on spread he world

3. you right click and hold till all the words are black

4.then right click and click paste

5. click on ur blog/site copy and u will have it

6. and dont forget to publish it!

i need more

i need more hits and followers please. my first tip is....

1. tell ur friends

2. post site on websites on their comments

3. make up ideas ( spread the word )

Sunday, April 12, 2009


happy easter everyone. ( dance and sing ) you too dance and sing. such so sad that planet cazmo didnt ccelebrate. but club penguin did. dunno about pirates online. chobots didnt ( i think ). toontown ( cant go on it and dont ask why ) well gotta go to church later woot! so keep posting comments!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

visit my friends site ( 2 )

visit my friends site ( 2 ):

visit my friends site

visit my friends site:


how do u poost pictures?

keep talking

this post is about talking to anyone who visits. for example u went to a party ... then comment it

good idea right? tell ur friends to come to this site if u own a site
right click this link

put this link and copy it to ur site thanks...... post comments

first person to visit

i would like to annouce my friend ( berrybearxoxo ) first in visiting. eveyone clapp!

My favorite movies.

list ur favorite movies when u comment. mine i jurassic park 1, 2, and 3

pirates of the caribbean 1,2,3

iron man

journey to the center of the earth

night at the muesum
can remember the rest so post ur favorite movies in comments ok?

me and friends

dunno wats this for

click to play

click to play the game si play.

just hope u can click them. if not then just type it out.(dont put http// ...etc. when u type them )

Do you play...?

Do you play.... well i was wondering.... do u play......... .... ........... I'm not sure if they are virus free so please y=use ur virus scan ( such as anti virus or something ) no worries i played these games and they are so cooL! do u also play and

Starting a new leaf

Hi im starting a new leaf (waterever that is ) my old blog is . I dont know why i can acess it from google so i made this one. come everyday since i will post everyday all the time